วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Dumbo Quiz

  • 1.In what year did the Walt Disney animated Movie Dumbo come out?
  • 2.While animals from a zoo are being transported to a circus, What does Mrs. Jumbo one of the elephants receive from a stork?
  • 3.After Mrs. Jumbo's baby Elephant gets the nickname Dumbo, Why do the other elephants make fun of Dumbo?
  • 4.After Mrs. Jumbo loses her temper at a group of children for making fun of her son and is locked up and deemed a mad elephant, What is the name of the Mouse that becomes Dumbo's Mentor and Protector?
  • 5.After Dumbo causes a stunt to go wrong and injures the other elephants, What is Dumbo made into?
  • 6.To Cheer Dumbo up, Who does Timothy bring Dumbo to visit?
  • 7.On their way back, Timothy decides to take Dumbo for a drink of water, which the water had accidentally champagne in it, After they become drunk, What color elephants do they see in their hallucinations?
  • 8.As the results of Timothy and Dumbo being drunk, Where do they wake up at in the next morning?
  • 9.After Timothy concludes that Dumbo flew up in the tree with using his large ears as wings, What does Timothy use to boost Dumbo's confidence to make him fly again?
  • 10.During a Circus stunt, Dumbo jumps from a high building and is able to pull out of the dive and flies around the Circus, and becomes a media sensation, What does Dumbo and his Mother get on the Circus Train?

Neptune Krill Oil – The best Omega-3 supplement !!

Warning !! All Krill Oil supplements are not created equal!

When buying Krill Oil, look for “Neptune Krill Oil” on the label, not just “Krill Oil

Neptune Krill Oil is processed by patented Neptune Technology “NKO®”.


So make sure that you look for NKO® logo on the label.

Neptune Krill Oil vs Regular Krill Oil

1) Neptune uses a cold-vacuum extraction process which preserves 100% of nutrients. Regular Krill Oil uses a heat-vacuum extraction process which loses more than 50% of the nutrients.

2) Neptune contains Esterified form of Astaxanthin, the MOST POWERFUL antioxidant in the world which is 7.4x more powerful than Regular Krill Oil that contains a regular form of Astaxanthin.


Neptune Krill Oil vs other strong antioxidants

- 48x greater than Fish Oil

- 34x greater than Co-Q10

- 6.5x greater than Lycopene

- 4x greater than Cranberry

- 2.6x greater than Elderberry

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Neptune Krill Oil vs other strong supplements

- 300x greater than Vitamins A & E

- 48x greater than Omega-3 Fish Oil

- 34x greater than Co Q-10.

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Recommeneded Neptune Krill Oil Brands

1) NOW Foods – Neptune Krill Oil

2) Source Naturals – NKO™ Neptune Krill Oil

3) JD Premium – K48 Krill Oil

Krill Oil is 48 times more powerful than Fish Oil !!

Krill Oil is the BEST Omega-3 supplement. It’s 48 times more powerful than Fish Oil !!

What is Krill?

Krill is a shrimp-like crustaceans that are approximately 1 to 6 centimeters long. They live is Antartica and feed on micro algae. They’re near the bottom of the food chain and are eaten by whales, seals, penguins, squid and fish. These 85 species represents the planet’s most abundant animal biomass found in banks that may extend over several square kilometers. Neptune sources its krill from the Antarctic Ocean.

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

  1. Krill Oil has vitamin A, E, D and antioxidants 48x more powerful than Fish oil. - Krill feeds on micro algae, the only living thing in nature that contains the MOST POWERFUL antioxident called “Astaxanthin”. That is why Krill gets such a high antioxidant potency.
  2. Krill Oil comes in a phospholipids form so it can be absorbed 100% and is easier and faster. Whereas Fish Oil is in a triglyceride form which can only absorbed 30% at its best.
  3. Therefore, Krill Oil is 3x more powerful in Omega-3 than Fish Oil
  4. Krill Oil softgel is 3x smaller than Fish Oil softgel.
  5. Krill Oil has no fishy smell or burp like Fish Oil.
  6. Krill Oil is 100% pure, mercury and pollution free since Krill only lives in Antartica. Whereas Fish Oil are mercury rich and contaminated with pollutions and toxics.
    - Mercury is very harmful to the body. It destroys the brain functions, nerve system, kidneys, livers and many more.

In coclusion, I recomended that you opt for Krill Oil over Fish Oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 is a fatty acid is very crucial to the human body.

The body can not produce its own Omega-3, you have to get it from natural food sources such as Fish, Winter Squash, Olive Oil, Walnuts, Beans and Flaxseeds.

But even with those foods, you will need to eat a lot of them to get an adequate amount that the body needs a day. That is why we also need to take Omega-3 supplements to balance it.

Omega-3 consists of EPA and DHA fatty acids.

Benefits of Omega-3

1) Healthy heart

2) Supports joints

3) Better brain functions and intelligence

4) Feeling better with much less depression

5) Reduction of breast, colon and prostate cancer

6) Lower the bad (HDL) cholesterol

7) Many more benefits…

Types of Omega-3 supplements.

1) Krill Oil (I highly recommended)

2) Fish Oil

3) Flaxseed Oil

In conclusion, Omega-3 supplement is a staple for your daily supplements.